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Closed casino hotels in Mississippi could house unaccompanied migrant children

Time:2024-06-03 18:27:54 Source:entertainmentViews(143)

TUNICA RESORTS, Miss. (AP) — Officials are considering a proposal to house unaccompanied migrant children at two former casino hotels in northwest Mississippi, an idea that has drawn opposition including from the local sheriff who said the county lacks resources to accommodate the plan.

Local news outlets reported that the repurposed facility would house as many as 2,000 children and teens at the hotels that were part of the Harrah’s casino complex, which closed in 2014. The casino was demolished, and other proposals to reuse the hotels have not succeeded.

County supervisors met in executive session Monday to discuss the project, but Tunica County Attorney John Keith Perry told WREG-TV that supervisors have not officially endorsed the plan.

“Obviously, anything that deals with immigration is a hot-button issue,” Perry said.

Perry said the current owners are in talks with a private entity interested in buying the property, which he says is in good condition after being closed for 10 years.

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